You are not you until you discover the truth of you

Our signature The Truth of You Pathway is for individuals who desire to deeply discover who and what they are, exploring unseen vistas and paradigms that lie within, and be guided to awaken to who they were always meant to be

Why Discover The Truth of You

In the cosmic game of life, we inevitably come to the same realisation. A realisation that life is a path: a path seeking answers, knowledge, and wisdom. All paths, ultimately, converge on the same thing: truth.

However, through personal adversity and programming by the world and culture, we often become lost, and often trapped, in the idea of belief; belief in holy books, belief in ‘experts’, belief in ideals, or even the belief in a scientific theory-of-everything, hoping they will provide us answers to the mysteries of the universe, and self.

Through these beliefs, we simply lose sight of the most obvious truth: that, through your direct experience, YOU are at the centre of reality!

Until we discovers ourselves, we likely carry many a false perceptions and beliefs about ourselves and how we operate. Through leading a false life, we blindly suffer the consequences through physical ailments, emotional distortions, and mental paradigms.

However, we often fail to recognise the biggest consequence of such consequences: we also lose our connection to the very essence of our being.

Through integration of an array of both conventional and unconventional models, our signature pathway assists you to come to this simple realisation through learning how to recognise and differentiate your conditioning, patterns, and habits from your true nature.

By gaining insight into your healthy, authentic self-expression, the process of identifying and transmuting the false parts of ourselves becomes a simple, straightforward process.

By inviting truth into your being, you are likely to confront, integrate, and embody an identity largely unfamiliar to you, as you learn to leave behind everything false that limited you by creating the necessary space to become wiser, more empowered, and ultimately, a liberated individual.

As guides to your journey, our role is to provide the tools and guidance to assist you in this process, as you learn to rebuild your relationship with reality through learning not just know who you are, but who you always were…

The Truth of You Pathway is for you if you have….

  • Exhausted conventional self-development methods, seeking deep and lasting transformation

  • Repeatedly encountered roadblocks and stagnant patterns in life

  • Confused after a spiritual awakening, unsure of the next steps

  • Experienced success but feel unfulfilled; seeking richer satisfaction

  • Struggling to identify personal desires beyond societal and cultural conditioning

  • A desire to truly know who you are

Discover the Truth of You, to…

  • Gain a deep understanding of your soul's essence through integrated models that provide structured insights into your inner workings

  • Achieve clarity in aligning with your authentic self, releasing limiting beliefs that impede personal growth

  • Integrate fragmented aspects of your personality to cultivate inner wholeness and enduring fulfilment

  • Redefine the purpose and impact of significant relationships, recognizing their profound influence on your identity and expression in the world

  • Break down and resolve seemingly overwhelming challenges, unlocking new perspectives and pathways to solutions

  • Actively progress through stages of ego development, expanding awareness and fostering personal growth

  • Reconnect profoundly with your inner wisdom and innate authority, deepening your sense of self

  • Embody profound spiritual principles to initiate transformative changes and transcend subconscious barriers

  • Cultivate resilience and adaptability, navigating life's adversities with grace and strength

  • Embrace vulnerability as a transformative journey towards deeper self-understanding and genuine connections with others

“We needed heavy duty consciousness work to overcome and outgrow challenges that persisted for decades. By bringing together the rich tapestry of resources that truly transformed us, is the reason why we created this pathway.

This journey isn’t meant to be done alone.”

Elinor Moshe and Daniel Darman, founders of Truth of You


How can I know if this pathway is for me?

If you are considering such a question, you likely also carry much deeper questions. To consider such a pathway, you likely have considered the path and perhaps learned some things about yourself. Yet, you still find yourself seeking answers.

So why are you seeking answers? Perhaps previous guides were too single-minded in their approach. Perhaps because their tools and models didn’t extend far enough to reach you. Or perhaps, the nature of what you seek goes beyond the limitations of the material world.

This pathway is for you if you feel stuck in life, you feel ill-equipped to handle the challenges of your world, you can’t find insight to discover the answers to your questions, or you don’t even know which questions to ask.

What can this pathway help me achieve?

Our spiritual coaching pathway is designed as a transformative journey of self-discovery and integration, utilizing a diverse range of models. By integrating conventional tools like personality interpretation, lifestyle assessment, and goal-setting with unconventional methodologies such as astrology, human design, and soul contracts, clients gain profound insights into various aspects of their identity and life path. This comprehensive exploration fosters personal growth, enhances decision-making clarity, deepens self-awareness, and nurtures a stronger connection to one's purpose and potential.

Ultimately, the Truth of You pathway empowers individuals to harmonize all aspects of themselves, uncovering intrinsic answers. This journey illuminates inherent strengths and paves a clear path toward achieving success in all facets of life.

What's the structure of the pathway?

We employ a flexible and customisable approach to our structure, attending to the objectives, timing, and frequency of each individual.

Our coaching approach guides you through building a variety of models of self, mapping connections to identify key themes and how they play out in your life, constructing strategies tailored to your needs, supporting you to integrate this knowledge and wisdom, and re-integrate into the world with a profoundly richer expression and experience of yourself.

How long is the pathway?

The challenge with asking such a question is in discounting each individual’s challenges, opportunities, levels, and speeds when coming into awareness and integrating of their truth.

As such, we offer an ongoing approach, while considering and factoring in the frequency and longevity of your sessions.

What outcomes can I expect from participating in this pathway?

A new sense of you, through a profoundly transformed sense of self.

This is achieved through journeying deep into the unexplored or undeveloped parts of yourself to discover, reclaim and reconnect them through the direct experience of yourself.

Ready to Discover the Truth of You?

Enquire today to discover how you can unlock the truth of you into a richer expression of yourself.

Because you are too big to be this small, remember.